Jared Giblin

Position: President

After growing up in and around the business Jared “officially” began working for Draper in 2009. As part owner he is leading the family business into its second generation. An active member of IUEC Local 4 Union of Elevator Constructors, Jared has dedicated his career to having hands on, in-depth experience regarding every aspect of a project’s life cycle from surveying and estimating to design, fabrication and installation. His main areas of focus are sales, strategic planning and client relationships.

Jared graduated from Endicott College in 2008 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. While at Endicott he played all four years on the Football team and demonstrated his strong leadership abilities being voted onto the leadership council each season and selected as team captain in his senior year.

Please contact Jared to request a quote, design consultation or site survey!