Ismeal Ortiz
Izzy is Draper’s longest tenured employee, beginning his career in 2000 as a CO-OP student at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School where he would spend one week in the classroom and one week in the shop. Upon graduating Izzy started his full time career with Draper as a fabricator. Quickly, he demonstrated a strong work ethic and eagerness to learn. As true craftsman Izzy constantly found ways to better himself and learn about various materials, products and solutions. It is extremely rare for someone of his age to have over 20 years of hands on fabricating experience. To make best use of his vast knowledge of all the details and challenges of our industry Izzy moved from the shop floor to the engineering department in 2016. Now Izzy serves as the engineering manager where he over sees CAD submittals and shop drawings. His talents are often used to draft design solutions for some of the most challenging projects.